Chief's Commission on Community Connection & Outreach


Sustain positive, lasting bonds between the Tuscaloosa Police Department and the community.

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    • Promote community/neighborhood and overall City involvement and participation
    • Participate in meaningful dialogue that can inform departmental decisions on community policing efforts
    • Research and generate new ideas and report informed recommendations related to crime prevention, intervention

Goals & Objectives

    • Finding resources and implementing programs that encourage police-community interactions
    • Creating a process where board members act as a two-way conduit between the community and police department to convey concerns
    • Collecting and providing insight into police “blind spots” regarding activities and attitudes of the public from the areas they represent
    • Building a system for identifying, gathering and analyzing current and existing data, as well as identifying possible gaps in data to develop more meaningful outreach efforts
    • Identifying pockets of the community where trust in law enforcement has eroded and make specific recommendations for ways to establish positive relationships.
    • Support and encourage partnerships between businesses, community members and the Tuscaloosa Police Department, participation in anti-violence and crime programs and increased communication between PD and community resource agencies.
    • Study statistical data, public health models and poverty data to determine where to allocate police department resources and consider non-traditional ways of partnering with community groups to target and prioritize the highest risk threats to public safety in Tuscaloosa.
Andrea Gregg

Andrea Gregg

Andrea Gregg is a Licensed Professional Counselor and owner of Hope Grows Center for Counseling,…

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Jerome Elliott

Jerome Elliott

Jerome Elliott is a retired science teacher with 35 years of teaching experience in the…

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Team Leaders

Severn “Sebo” SandersProject Team Leader
Scott Holmes | Deputy Project Team Leader
LaParry Howell | Ex-Officio 
LaShonda Kemp | Ex-Officio 

Recommendations In Progress

Create mental health support infrastructure

Recommendations Completed

Sought Authorization from the Alabama Legislature
Acquired simulators that train officers on de-escalation
Created a Deputy of Community Policing